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StaxUP Storage Celebrates Veteran’s Day 2017

StaxUP Storage | November 11, 2017 @ 12:00 AM

StaxUP Storage is a proud supporter of the United States Armed Forces, so this year we decided to ask our team members what Veteran’s Day means to them.

Pete Hoff


"I retired from the Navy in 2004 after serving 20 years. I went from a Aircraft Carrier to a Battleship to a Navy Hospital to a Destroyer to Naval Police Officer at 32nd St. San Diego and finally to Amphibious ship. I spent close to 12 years at sea and I wouldn’t change anything." said Peter.

Julie Merry


John, Julie Merry’s brother, in Vietnam in 1970.

"When I think of Veterans Day, I think of my brother Johnny. He went to Vietnam when I was in my early teens. I remember being so scared for him, but we were one of the lucky families because he made it through his 2 years of combat and came home. I remember that he seemed changed afterward, quieter and didn’t want to talk about his experience. He saw a lot of death and destruction. My brother overcame all of that and is one of the best fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, I know. He is a bright star in my eyes as he is with anyone that meets him. He is my hero." said Julie.

Thank you to everyone who has served and is serving, we appreciate you!

StaxUP Storage
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